I AM studying in Lower Six this year. My school is a premier school in Johor Baru.
The reason for my writing this letter is that a new system has been adopted in all schools with Form Six classes throughout the country. The system requires all Lower Six classes beginning 2009 have to stay back until 3.30pm compared to 1.10pm in previous years.
Every afternoon, Lower Six students will be divided into groups and each group will be given a specific topic relating to a current issue and discuss among themselves.
Later, each group will be given the chance to present their topic on stage in front of their fellow classmates.
I am not totally against this idea as I understand that this is part of the Education Ministry’s initiative in boosting the level of confidence and enhancing communicative ability among school students while doing presentation.
I also understand that it is very pertinent to start and nurture students from young before they embark themselves into the commercial sector when they graduate.
But please be rational and reasonable. The moment we reach home, most of us will be dead tired.
Not to forget the amount of assignments given by our teachers and we have to complete everything on time. By then we would be too tired to study.
Another woe is that we are only given an hour for our lunch break before we begin our presentation; it is impossible for students to head home to have a home-cooked meal and then rush back to school.
Most of us will not be able to eat at home as we are not living nearby.
Therefore, students are left with no other alternatives but to patronise nearby mamak stalls for their lunch.
Needless to say, food sold at mamak stalls can be unhealthy and unhygienic.
On the other hand, transportation is a major problem for most of us.
Left with no other immediate solutions in sight, we have to rely on public transport like buses.
And mind you, most of us are not living nearby and thus, walking back home will be out of the question and too dangerous for us students considering the disturbingly high number of snatch theft cases across the country.
There was once when I had no choice that I had to walk back home from school and believe it or not, I was robbed midway!
Till now, that incident still haunts me.
Please take note that life in Form Six has never been easy.
It is undeniable that life in the sixth form can be pretty daunting and challenging.
An ample amount of time is needed for us to carry out constant revision.
Therefore, I would sincerely like to implore to the Education Ministry to seriously reconsider its decision.
The ministry fails to see the light that whatever theyre doing is in fact making our lives even more miserable, stressful and very depressing.
Will this result in good achievement in the STPM exams?
Last but not least, I would also like to take this opportunity to call upon all Lower Six students and hopefully, concerned parents out there who are equally against of the idea of Lower Six students staying back till 3.30pm, to express their dissatisfaction.
Via e-mail
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